See a family doctor in Portugal
Need medical help or a prescription in Portugal? See an English-speaking family doctor, family practitioner or general practitioner in Portugal today.
★★★★★ "Dr Adam Abbs is very approachable, thorough and caring. He explored my condition in depth. I did not feel rushed at any stage" - David
Why Choose Us?
Trusted doctors for tourists in Portugal
When you're feeling unwell on holiday or you need a prescription, you need to see a doctor who speaks English, who you can trust, even if you don't have insurance, today. Here’s why we’re the first choice for English-speaking tourists from the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa or Europe:
Same-Day Appointments
Get seen by a doctor today, without long waits.
English-Speaking Doctors
Clear communication with NHS-trained GPs.
Private Prescriptions for Portuguese Pharmacies
Prescriptions accepted across Portugal, including Lisbon, Porto and the Algarve
Full treatment in just 3 steps
1 Book online at a time to suit you
2 See a GP on video on your mobile
3 Receive your prescription in your inbox
Meet the doctors
Meet our friendly doctors
Dr Adam is a leader in the world of digital health, believing that increasing access to healthcare is essential to allow more people to live healthier, longer lives. He is aware that in a world where we travel, and have busy lives, we need to be able to get medical care whenever and wherever we are. Providing patients with video consultations with trusted doctors, so that patients can travel with confidence is his goal for this service.
Dr Huber Cubillos, MD
Dr Huber is a GP breaking down barriers with global experience in telemedicine, working in Colombia, the UK, Ireland, Spain, the Canary Islands and New Zealand. He specialises in providing primary care services in digital health, and has pioneered smoking cessation services, improving the health of thousands of patients. His recent ventures at My-doctor-in has expanded his experience across healthcare systems in Europe.
Need help?
Doctor in Portugal FAQs
How quickly can I see a doctor?
We offer same-day appointments
Can I see a doctor on a Saturday and Sunday
Our doctors offer appointments 7 days per week
Will my insurance cover this?
We will send you a full medical report after each consultation. If you need a form completing for your insurance, there is an administration and doctor fee of €100.
Do the doctors speak English?
Yes! All of our doctors are English, or speak excellent English
How much is a GP appointment?
An appointment with a GP costs €149. If you're prescribed any medication, we'll write the prescription for free, but you'll need to pay the pharmacy for the medicine.
How long is the appointment with the doctor?
Your appointment with our doctors can last up to 20 minutes
I forgot my medication, how can I get a prescription in Portugal?
Our doctors can write prescriptions following a medical assessment
Which pharmacies accept your prescriptions?
Pharmacies across Portugal accept our electronic prescriptions
Which conditions can you treat?
We can treat most rashes, sore throats, coughs and colds and other conditions that don't need an emergency department
What can't you help with?
We can't treat illnesses that require an emergency department visit. We can't prescribe medication that has special controls such as opioids, benzodiazepines or ritalin
What if I have an emergency?
In the unlikely event that you require emergency care beyond our GP in Portugal services, we will refer you to the nearest hospital and assist you with the next steps. Your health and safety are our top priority.
How do I see a doctor if I don't have medical insurance?
You can see our doctors without travel insurance, today
Does my EHIC card work in Europe?
Once your EHIC card has expired you can no longer use it for medical care in Europe
Does my GHIC card work in Europe?
Your GHIC card will work for some medical care in Europe if it hasn't expired. For more details on GHIC visit the GHIC page on the NHS site
What does my GHIC card cover in Europe?
Your GHIC card works for some types of medical care only, and you may need to pay in some countries. This page has some useful advice
Do you see children?
We currently see only adults, aged 18 and over
What do I need to bring to my appointment?
Bring your passport and any medication or repeat prescription list with you
Where to get healthcare in Portugal
Who do I call in an emergency in Portugal?
112 is the emergency number for Portugal and the rest of Europe. For more information visit the Portuguese Government website on the 112 service.
How do I get urgent care in Portugal
You can find all the urgent care centres in Portugal that are part of the public health system, SNS, in this list. Remember to take your passport and, if you have one, an EHIC or GHIC card.
What facilities are available for an emergency in Portugal?
A list of emergency services, including for children, can be found on the Portuguese health service website. Before visiting a clinic check that they are open.
Where can I find a pharmacy in Portugal?
Pharmacies in Portugal are known as "Farmacias". They can often give you very good advice before you visit a doctor. They cannot give you antibiotics or stronger painkillers without a prescription. You can find your nearest pharmacy in Portugal on this website. You can even search for which pharmacies are 24 hours. If they can't help you they can advice you where the nearest hospital is. Most pharmacists in Portugal speak English.
What Our Patients Say
“I was worried about the cost, but everything was clear and upfront. My travel insurance reimbursed me quickly, and I felt so much better.”
Mark, UK
"Dr Adam is very professional and kind. It was an efficient process to see him. We traveled from the US and he made our trip less stressful!"
Mary Ann, USA
"Excellent (& possibly life-saving) consultation with Adam. I was listened to in a relaxed & professional manner & appropriate action recommended"
Dr Faulkner, USA
Our Pricing
Consultation Fee: €149 per doctor visit/consultationInsurance report: We will provide you with a report for your insurance company for free. Please see your policy details to ensure they will provide a refund.Insurance forms: If your insurance requires us to complete a specific form, this will cost €100 on top of the consultation cost.Prescription cost: Your e-prescription is included in the cost of the consultation. But the pharmacy will charge you for the cost of the medication directly.
Act Now for Same-Day Care
Limited same-day appointments are available, and they book up quickly, so book now to avoid waiting.
Get in touch
Get in touch so we can send you health information for your location. If you are unwell please call 112 for advice.
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